The Big Easy Sisters
of Perpetual Indulgence
Parish of the Muddy Waters
Southern Decadence 2019
Once again New Orleans hosted its big end of summer party, and everybody came. In buckets. The Big Easy Sisters were there, from hosting beer busts to walking in the parade, to being members of the Entourage of the Grand Marshals! And as always, a wonderful time was had by all.
Sr Glory Bea as a member of the Entourage giving Carmen Miranda realness
Postulant Sr Tammie Ponds and Sr Mary Pat McCooter
Sr Imma Gittaround with Sr Roma
Sr Prim N Proper, Guard Bunny Bear, Fr Ken I Eatcha, and Novice Sr Stret'Cha Holes
Sr Lola Hangers with Sr Agnes
Sr Imma Gittaround and Sr Onya Neeze
Novice Sr Stret'Cha Holes and Novice Guard Penn Atration
The Grand Marshals of Southern Decadence 2019 with their Entourage
Good girls don't, but Postulant Sr Tammie Ponds might
Good girls don't, but Sr Mary Pat McCooter definitely will
Novice Guard Penn Atration and visiting Sr Velveeta Von Tease of the Derby City Sisters
Novice Sr Stret'Cha Holes, Novice Guard Penn Atration, and Guard Buddha Bear
Sr Lola Hangers of Dallas, Texas
Sr Diarrhee en Frank expiating stigmatic guilt in her own way
Novice Gurad Penn Atration celebrated his birthday on Decadence Day
Novice Sr Stret'Cha Holes promulgating universal joy
Sr Imma Gittaround and visiting Sr Magically Delicious of Los Angeles
Visiting Sr Sawyer Ladybits of Nashville
Sr Imma Gittaround of the Big Easy Sisters
Sr Rayven Byotch of the Smoking Cardinal Sisters, Sr Lola Hangers of Dallas, and Sr Glory Bea all plotting shenanigans
Guard Bunny Bear, Novice Guard Penn Atration, visiting Sr Velveeta Von Tease, and Guard Buddha Bear getting ready to walk in the parade
Sr Glory Bea and Aspirant Gregor share a laugh
We are family, I've got all these Sisters with me!
Sr Mary Pat McCooter with Sr Roma of the San Francisco Motherhouse
Sr Lola Hangers and Sr Prim N Proper
Sr Roma with our favourite rugby team, the Rougaroux
Guard Buddha Bear handing a packet of doubloons to Novice Sister Stret'Cha Holes
Sister Roma getting ready to walk in the parade
Sister Prim N Proper looking fierce in her corset and kick-ass shoes!
Sister Sawyer Ladybits is ready to march
Sister Glory Bea had a smile for all during the march
With termperatures soaring over 100 degrees, Sr Prim N Proper quickly lost the corset, proving once again that she is neither prim nor proper
Sister Onya Neeze shows us how it's done
Guard Bunny Bear has his own athletic supporter
Sister Di has such athletic supporters
Sister Prim knows all the handsome boys
During the parade, Sister Di ran into her own sister
Sister Onya Neeze knows a few, too
Father Ken I Eatcha has a laugh during the parade
Sister Rayven Biotch and Sister Onya Neeze
Sister Prim N Proper marching through the French Quarter
Guard Buddha Bear slogging through the march. It was a hot day
Sister Lola Hangers walks demurely through the parade route
Guard Chasin Azz and Guard Bunny Bear bracketing friends from the Lords of Leather
Cruella DeVille leads the way with the New Orleans Pups and Handlers
At the end of the parade route, Sister Imma Gittaround and Sister Onya Neeze are ready for a cool and refreshing adult beverage